Child-Friendly Space (CFS), which is a Recreational Room for Little Children is a project innitiated in 2022 with Polish Migrational Forum (PFM). CFS is a space created for preschool and early-school children with the experience of migration that offers mental health and psychosocial support. The space is located in a Community Center co-ran by PFM on Górczewska 137 Street (earlier “Plich-o-plich” on Chmielna Street).
For who? When?
Age: 3-9 years old
Weekdays: from Monday till Friday
Hours: 9:00-18:00
The maximum ammount of time spent in the recreational room is 4 hours (because of lack of warm dishes and the ability of going outside during the stay).
Please provide the child with a change of clothes and a snack.
During the activities our educators offer a wide range of activities that target the developement of social and emotional competences and school readiness. We play, relax, read, do cut-outs, make art and talk on topics important for us. Our work is motivated by the idea of individual working with children – in a friendly atmosphere and a small group – which helps kids overcome stress, worry and positively encourages their sense of security.
Contact information
Do you want to sign your child up? Contact us! All the information is regarded by Nadia Poveshchenko.
Phone number: + 48 729 678 517
Adress: Górczewska 137 Street