Our mission

We aim for equality of every human being regardless their origin, race, gender, or religion.

Foundation for Freedom is an independent, non-profit public organization registered in Warsaw in 2004. Three years later, we were given the status of a public benefit organization.

We focus on migrants and all the greatest activities are addressed to them. We believe the attitude towards newcomers is the reflection of humanity. We promote diversity of cultures and worldviews. We work towards integration with and benefit of refugees, migrants, women, and others at the risk of exclusion.


Physical activity is one of the most underappreciated form of social change. Sport carries an immense cultural impact and gives a sense of belonging and unity. A shared passion, emotions, and universal rules make natural environment for learning how to communicate with others. In Foundation for Freedom, we use football as a tool of breaking prejudices and finding common ground with different groups. We want to show ways to counteract discrimination through sport and fair play game.


Migrants integration is one of the greatest challenge of modern days. The number of people looking for home and shelter is increasing around the world, for various reasons. Their proper functioning in a new country and adapting to new reality is challenged by cultural, language, legal, and psychological barriers. In Foundation for Freedom, we try to support the weakest ones in the first place – the refugee children. Our actions were designed specifically for them as we wanted to enhance their potential and sense of safety, and give them a chance for proper development.

Cross-cultural education

The success of our actions won’t be possible without the right approach of Poles to foreigners. Hence, we largely focus on cross-cultural education. Not only do we include Poles in activities for migrants, but also teach local leaders, educators, and trainers how to change their surroundings to be more tolerant and integrative.